Sogand Bahram

mobile: 07946154991

Key Skills

  • Research and project management
  • Filming, editing, and producing features of all lengths and genres
  • Experience with cultural institutions: Tate, V&A, British Museum, Library
  • Working to a budget and accounting for expenditures
  • Fundraising
  • Liaising and coordinating with individuals and component parts of projects
  • Interviewing skills
  • Personal skills on phone/email and people management
  • Experience teaching and working with young people.

Technical Skills

  • Self Shooter
  • Full proficiency in Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro and 16mm Steenbecks
  • Working knowledge of Avid and Photoshop
  • Proficiency in Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras and their Lens
  • Proficiency in Canon and Sony HD video Cameras
  • Experience in Black magic and Panasonic cameras
  • Working knowledge of various sound recording equipment: Sony, Zoom etc

Arts  Awards

  • Space studios Artists Awards 2021
  • Arts Council Develop Your Creative Practice. 2021-22


  • MRes in Fimmaking, Photography and Electronic Arts Goldsmiths University                                     2016- -2019  Passed with Distinction
  • Certificate in Craft Editing (Avid) 2018 National Film and Television School
  • Multimedia HNC– Westminster Kingsway University
  • Diploma in digital media – LCP                                                                          
  • BA (Hons) Film & Video – London College of Communications
  • Certificate in Visual Thinking Strategies facilitator

Art Projects

  • Facilitating 2 day Arts workshop- I Hear, I See, I Feel at the Beamish Museum, Durham
  • Co- facilitating 2 day herbal workshop at Braziers Park
  • Group Show Space Artists Awards Exhibition – Space Studios Ilford. Photographic Project- Nightwalking
  • Portrait photographer for Andrea Luka Zimmerman’s Sounding The Voices sound installation project
  • Producing- Inside- oral history project – funded by Space Studios.
  • Currently developing -Namaste project working with St Joseph’s and St Cuthbert’s Hospice Arts Council funded
  • Film facilitator -Where we live- Film project Barnard adventure Playground and Newlon Housing
  • Facilitator for Tower Hamlets 360 –Building Local Narratives Smartphone film workshops Urban Affinity
  • Photographic images for the walls of Cherry Tree Cancer Charity therapy rooms
  • Created and produced -Video installation for British Library – Art piece for their exhibition ‘London Life in Maps’, shown on large screen
  • Camera for art film Installation “Waves” by Zory Shahrokhi – Norwich Arts Centre – Arts Council funded
  • Created and produced Video installation at SOAS for Iranian Women Study Group – funded by National lottery
  • Photographer for Alinah Azadeh Projects- The gifts and Burning the books – Bristol Museum and Art Gallery
  • Filmmaker for several in situ 30 Bird Theatre company Productions performances
  • Working with Fitzrovia Neighbourhood Association photographing their events.
  • Portrait photography, portrait collages – Private clients and personal collection.

Filmography (selection): – All films produced, shot and edited

  • Pre-existing (9mins)  Shortlisted at Swedenburg Film Festival 2020
  • Magic Money Tree(27mins) Mres practice based film at Goldsmiths..
  • Hugh Mendes: Studio (7mins) -Produced in conjunction for Hugh’s solo show at the Charlie Smith Gallery and LA Galleries
  • We see nothing Truly unless we understand it (3.32mins)- Produced for the AGM and website of the Fitzrovia Neighbourhood Association for their 45 years anniversary
  • Lloyd miller Stories (in post) (57mins)  Producer/Director/Camera/Editor: feature documentary about Lloyd Miller, an American Mormon/sufi jazz musician who had prime time TV programme in the 70’s in Iran. Set in from Utah.
  • Everything is Music – 47 mins    Director/ Producer/ Camera/Editor –documentary,  Documentary about creole culture  and identity as explored by the Iranian musician. Filmed in La Reunion island Endorsed by John Berger.
  • Vyner Street”- 6mins – Short observational film about 2 worlds living inconspicuously side by side, screened at London Film Festival, at End Film Festival and shortlisted at Open City Film Festival
  • Music Videos Director/Producer/Camera/Editor – 3 music videos & short films: “Gol” (music band), Fragments – “Arash Khalatbari”  In La Chappell & “Epicurean Army” ,  Screened at Optima Film Festival
  • Worked for BBC World Service Director/ Producer/ Camera/ Editor making animations/ trailers for the web for their radio shows.
  • Get used to it’ 16mm 10 mins Director/ Producer/Camera/ Editor – short film about Bengali kick boxing community – Arts Council small award.
  • Palimpsest,  5 mins  16mm   Director/ Producer/Camera/ Editor film animation- screened at ICA, part of London Film Festival  for Lux collections.





Work Experience

Freelance photographer, editor and film-maker                                   2006-2022

  • Freelance Features editor for the BBC Persian Service
  • Freelance features editor for Marjan TV online content
  • Freelance editor IPSOS/Mori
  • Freelance filmmaker, Editor and facilitator for Urban Affinity
  • Editor on Carers’ Stories research project Wood Green Films.
  • Freelance editor and filmmaker for Wood green Films
  • Reprezence pilot for Channel 4 sitcom for Artikal films (Multicam edit)
  • Filming for online content in situ V&A, British Library, Tate, Briish Museum
  • Created short films/animated trailers for BBC World Service Radio/TV
  • Filmed, edited and produced photographic content for a range of London-based artists and film companies including Artikal Films and Wood Green Films.
  • Created film-based art installations for London Life in Maps Exhibition at the British Library and for SOAS
  • Shot, edited and produced numerous charity promotional and fundraising films for London based cultural charities eg. Iran Heritage, arts groups and UCL online content.
  • Asssitant editor for BBC drama The Debt.

Freelance Film and Photography Teacher 2005-2011

  • Taught a variety of adult (including a class for technophobes) and women’s courses for West London community group Connections.
  • Taught film-making courses run by Artikal Films under First Light Channel 4 screened film scheme targeted at excluded teenagers.
  • Kids company creative photography work shops.
  • BBC Blue Peter Initiative teaching children across the UK how to make a film in a day working for Chocolate Films

Recent additional training

  • L2 CPD certificate in Counselling Skills
  • Certificate in Visual Thinking Strategies
  • Oral History Training, Oral History Society
  • Namaste Dementia Care Service Training
  • How to Manage Difficult and Challenging Behaviour
  • Mental Health First aid
  • Dementia Awareness
  • Effective Minute taking


Past and Current Volunteering

  • Crisis at Christmas
  • Kids company
  • The Courthauld digitising archive Project
  • St Josephs Hospice end of life Dementia Namaste.